
时间:2024-02-08 09:48:30 投诉 下载本文



Now there are many students who waste their spare time in playing games and watching TV, I want to say to them: "Let us all develop the good habit of reading!" There are many advantages of reading, do not believe me to give you a list.

Reading is like your teacher, increasing your knowledge in obscurity. Reading good books is like meeting a good friend. Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress." Only by reading more can we broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge.

Reading can also improve our writing ability. As Du Fu said, "If one has read thousands of books, one can write like a god." Every book has a lot of good words and sentences, when you finish reading a book, these good words and sentences are printed in your mind, so that when writing, you will naturally use it, make your article vivid, you will feel that writing is not difficult.

Reading more can also improve peoples cultivation, make us more mature, more understanding. Goethe said: "To read a good book is to talk with many noble people." "As long as you read more books, read good books, you will become a virtuous person."

Students, lets read together, there is a very wonderful world in the book!



读书还能提高我们的.写作能力。正如杜甫所说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”每一本书里都有很多好词好句,当你读完一本书时,这些好词好句就印在了你的脑海里,这样在写作时,你就自然而 然用到它,使你的文章变得生动,你就会觉得写作其实并不难。




Whenever I pass the library, there are many people reading books in it. Every time I pass the library, I wonder: Why do they read so carefully? Do books have that much charm? Is there any good in reading?

Once, our class has a female classmate, she likes reading very much, the results are particularly good. I find it strange that she spends so much time in reading books, and reading more extracurricular books, the time to review the textbook knowledge will naturally be less. Why do you get better grades than everyone else? He asked her how she did it.

She said: "There is a lot of knowledge in books, reading more books can let us master more knowledge, know more truth." She also said, "Reading is especially useful for writing. Usually the best reading is to take notes, put some good words, good sentences, good paragraphs down, a long time, the accumulation of more. When it comes to writing essays, theres no worry."

Because of this, every time she wrote a composition is very good, the teacher often read her composition to everyone, but also posted for the students to enjoy. Her classmates admired her very much.

Now I finally understand why there are so many people reading in the library, and I also want to learn from them to read more extracurricular books.







When we are very small, our parents have started to develop our interest to read novels. It is important to read more books, because people always say that there are priceless treasure in the books, if we can find. The classic books are necessary to read, because they show us a lot of knowledge.

On the one hand, we can broaden our vision and enrich our minds. Classic books provide us profound ideas, showing us the right attitude toward life. The common idea of classic novels are to describe the growth of protagonists. After reading the books, we know that we must be strong when we meet difficulties. The key to success is never give up.

On the other hand, we can improve our expressive skill. When writing article, we are so annoyed by the structure and the vocabulary. We can follow the structure and the good words of classic novels, so as to beautify our article. The good reading skill is important. It shows our personality. A person who owns the good writing skill is easy favored by others.


